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Welcome to the Women’s Enrichment Ministry Page! I am Kim Moore and thankful I have the opportunity to serve as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Kenosha Family Church.

As a church leader and sister in Christ, I strive to keep growing in my relationship with Christ and help others do the same. I am a mother of two grown children and a wife to Jim. 

While my children were growing up, I had the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom. During those years I faithfully attended ladies Bible studies and found myself yearning for more. I started leading Bible studies in my home and soon found myself back at school. I eventually earned a MAR, Master of Arts, Religion from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

During seminary a passion for ministry and working with women grew. Taking what I learned in classes, a committee was formed and we officially launched the WEM in 2004. For years the WEM has offered ladies’ Bible studies and group events. My passion for women extended to the community and Care Net Family Recourse Center where I served on the board for 8 years.

My heart is always with the ladies at Kenosha Family Church. Please contact me if you are interested in anything related to the WEM; would love to get together for a coke or a walk by the lake!  I would love to hear your story and discuss how the WEM can help you grow in your spiritual journey.

Contact Kim Moore

Cell - (262) 914 - 2729

Home - (262) 942 - 9528

Our Mission Statement

To be a community of women who are whole heartedly devoted to God, flourish in the the body of Christ, and pass on what they have received to the world. What is Women’s Enrichment Ministry? We are committed to being available to women who want more. We desire to assist women who want to go beyond the regular weekly services and intentionally pursue extra curricular activities that will help them grow, meeting needs in their lives and equipping them to reach out to others. As a community of women we are devoted to knowing God in our inner most being. We recognize the special need for healthy relationships with other Christian women and seek to foster friendships. We work to continue growing in Christ-likeness through personal growth disciplines, learning the balance of giving and taking within the church and reaching out to others locally and world-wide.

Mission Statement
Meet Kim Moore

current STUDIES

Armor of God.jpg

Mondays, starting Januray 30 , 2023, 6:30PM - 8:00PM, at Kim Moore's home.

This study will include 7 sessions every other week through April 24th.  

The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory. 

Interested? Contact Kim via email, text or call with info below.


  1. Women are a gift to a church with God given talents, gifts and a heart. From young to old they provide strength and help to minister to the weak and strong and accomplish tasks great and small with God’s help. For this reason, the Women’s Enrichment Ministry is vital in the church to help women find a personal strength in Christ and give out of their fullness and unique giftedness.

  2. Women hold many titles and roles in a lifetime. They need to be recognized as women with strengths and with desires to learn new things. They want to be acknowledged as competent yet seeking discernment. Women want to be challenged and reassured in their growth.

  3. Women are relational. They desire meaningful relationships with God, spouse, family and friends. They need help and support when relationships get out of balance. They desire to learn more about themselves and the people around them.


  1. All women matter to God; therefore they matter to us.

  2. Women are uniquely gifted by God and their gifts are necessary in the body to make the church function.

  3. God working through women in one-on-one personal relationships and small group involvement produces changed lives.

  4. Women who recognize the person God has made them to be will serve and give out of what they have received.


  1. Devote - Psalm 42:1-2, Psalm 51:6 God has put a need in each of our hearts for Him alone. We believe we have a responsibility to learn to seek God with our whole heart. As we seek we discover God is worthy of our full devotion and that this is our first calling in life. We desire that every women involved in the Women’s Enrichment Ministry will discover and pursue a vital, growing relationship with God through personal study, small group Bible studies, and large and small group events.

  2. Notice - Philippians 2:1-4 Having accepted Jesus Christ and beginning to grow, we believe we are called to “look not only to our own interests, but also the interests of others.” This is a two fold calling: 1) we are to deal with our own concerns and 2) be concerned about others too. We believe as women we need to learn to take care of ourselves, to take care of those entrusted to us, and seek counsel, training and education when appropriate. We also need to look beyond ourselves to the lives of those growing beside us to offer encouragement, support, comfort, and friendship as we grow together in Christ.

  3. Associate - Psalm 96:3 Experiencing a personal relationship with God and the loving community of believers, we believe we will explode with thanksgiving and be filled with compassion for those around us who are hopeless and discouraged. We believe we can reach out with hope in our neighborhoods, our city, our country and the world with the strength and direction God provides. Each woman represents a strand of DNA. She will uniquely grow and give as God reveals the qualities and potentialities He has given her. She in turn is and becomes an intricate part of the inner working of the whole body. Cheered on by a cloud of Christian ancestors she will continue to stand and walk as part of the legacy and future of the radiant church of Jesus Christ.



Because of our size and building situation we are taking advantage of the opportunities available to us through the workshops, seminars, and conferences provided by other churches and parachurch organizations. These avenues of learning allow the women to grow personally through concentrated times of Bible teaching from skilled Bible
teachers. They also help our women build stronger friendships and begin new ones. These conferences are advertised and encouraged.

The Wisconsin District Ladies Retreat continues to offer the women time to relax away from home and receive TLC while gleaning from excellent main speakers. Local and district denominational events have given our ladies the opportunities to use and sharpen their gifts as workshop leaders, musical worship team members, and jack-of-all-trade helpers. The annual Ladies Day at Olivet Nazarene University offers a ray of hope to women who cannot afford in time and/or finances to attend a one or two night retreat. This Saturday only event is relatively close and inexpensive.

The Saturday Morning Specials are offered 1-2 times per year depending on the church calendar and local seminar and workshop opportunities. The goal is to expose the women to a variety of topics and speakers who would challenge and encourage them personally, within the body, their community and the world. For these events, we cater in pre-ordered Panera Bread breakfasts and meet at the church. Various monthly Saturday Morning Specials are provided in ”Coffee Club” style. These Coffee House meetings are held in the homes of women in the church who serve as a hostess for the morning. This is an informal time to share Saturday morning conversation, coffee or cocoa and praises as to how God is working in our lives. We call it a dose of spiritual caffeine.



Small groups are an excellent way to work on personal character growth through accountability, personal study habits, group discussion, and consistency. Being in God’s word and learning of His love and ways reinforces the desire to grow and change. For more information about upcoming bible studies, check out our calendar and upcoming studies. 

Ladies Bible Studies


In order to reach out beyond our own local church body, we must intentionally be looking for ways to give out of our fullness. We continue to have a connection with Care Net Family Resource Center. It is exciting to see the church ladies respond to meeting a need outside of our own church community. We have a community outreach associated with our Ladies’ Christmas Party rotating each year among the many charitable agencies in our area. The Women continue to spearhead annual involvement in the Care Net Walk for Life. We are always looking for new ways to reach out and show compassion. We are open to seek where God would have our group work and give.

Outreach Compassion
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